Das Lab National Brain Reserach Centre


We are looking for post-docs, graduate students (fully funded) to work on multiple projects. For more details, check out the featured projects with open positions.

For details of M.Sc. and PHD admissions at NBRC click here: National Brain Research Centre Admissions.

Neurocurrent response function 2.0
Neurocurrent response function 2.0

Develop a tool for studying how the brain encodes complex and natural stimuli such as speech, music etc.

What is a neural oscillation
What is a neural oscillation? 💭

Toward better demarcation of oscillations from colored noise and background aperiodic fluctuations based on phase consistency.


Cognitive flexibity
Cognitive flexibity

Uncover neural basis of cognitive flexibility by tracking rapid dynamical changes during task switching.

Aperiodic neural activity - what, how and why
Aperiodic neural activity - what, how and why?

Is spectral domain is the ‘correct’ way to characterize aperiodic neural activity?

Neural corrletes of emotion processing
Neural corrletes of emotion processing

How do neural oscillations or aperiodic neural activity archestrate our emotions?